Saturday, May 05, 2007

We're up to £80!

The Man Bingo went down a treat - every square was taken and £28 was raised from it after the £10 voucher that was given as a prize was taken out. I added £2 to round it up! I've also been given more money by online donors so that makes £80! Fab! And I haven't even sent my paper sponsor form round yet!


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Fundraising idea...

As the walk is getting closer I decided to raise some money at work with a "Man Bingo" card! Basically, I spent many long hours perusing the internet for handsome famous men (it was such a chore!) and I put the pictures onto a card. People then pay £1 for each man they want to choose and the winner is selected at random and the person who chose the winning square wins a £10 voucher for Boots, with the remaining proceeds going to the charity. A bit sexist, you may say, BUT even the men have had a go! (At first they just wanted to give a pound without picking a man, but I made them enter into the spirit of it and choose one!!). It has gone down down a treat - I'm going to make a football team one and get my OH to take it round his workplace.
So far I've been given £20 donations from people, I also added £10 from money I saved from making homemade Christmas cards instead of buying them so £30 so far! I've got another couple of ideas up my sleeve too, so watch this space...


Thursday, February 15, 2007

The walk training has started!

Okay, so we have started our training. Mum has just relocated for work so her offices are now down the road, a good walking distance away and she tells me she's been walking most days! The peeps in my office have all decided that they want to be a bit more active at work so we have agreed that we shall have a group walk to the local Booths a couple of days a week, which is about 2 miles return journey. Not far, I know, but it's a start! Soon we will be organising some walking at the weekend, to get some miles in our legs. The date is flying closer - only 106 days to go!


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Okay, so we have just under six months before we do this walk. Not started any training yet, I have "wait til New Year" syndrome! Been doing a bit of running recently though so think I might be able to skip the first bit of the training plan which is for complete exercise phobes who haven't done anything recently.
We are going on holiday in May and have just realised that we only get back on the same day that we do the walk! Eek! That'll be me fast asleep on the plane then!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

We have entered the Moonlight Walk!

Welcome to our blog, where we will track out training and sponsorship progress for the "Moonlight Walk", a ladies only sponsored half marathon walk starting at midnight! It's all in aid of St Catherine's Hospice in Preston Lancashire.

I've never done anything like this before, so it will be a real challenge for me! My mum (Sandra) on the other hand used to do a lot of long distance walks in the past, although not for a while, so she will have to dig deep for that leg strength!
One of the sponsors is Carrefours Gym and they have kindly designed a training plan to get us in shape for the walk, which takes place on June 2nd 2007 - so we have plenty of time to prepare!
We hope to raise lots of money for St Catherine's Hsopice, a truly worthy cause, and if you would like to contribute, you can do so online with our sponsorship website, here...

Our target is £250, fingers crossed we get there!
Thanks for visiting our blog! Come back soon for an update on our progress!