Thursday, November 23, 2006

We have entered the Moonlight Walk!

Welcome to our blog, where we will track out training and sponsorship progress for the "Moonlight Walk", a ladies only sponsored half marathon walk starting at midnight! It's all in aid of St Catherine's Hospice in Preston Lancashire.

I've never done anything like this before, so it will be a real challenge for me! My mum (Sandra) on the other hand used to do a lot of long distance walks in the past, although not for a while, so she will have to dig deep for that leg strength!
One of the sponsors is Carrefours Gym and they have kindly designed a training plan to get us in shape for the walk, which takes place on June 2nd 2007 - so we have plenty of time to prepare!
We hope to raise lots of money for St Catherine's Hsopice, a truly worthy cause, and if you would like to contribute, you can do so online with our sponsorship website, here...

Our target is £250, fingers crossed we get there!
Thanks for visiting our blog! Come back soon for an update on our progress!