Saturday, May 05, 2007

We're up to £80!

The Man Bingo went down a treat - every square was taken and £28 was raised from it after the £10 voucher that was given as a prize was taken out. I added £2 to round it up! I've also been given more money by online donors so that makes £80! Fab! And I haven't even sent my paper sponsor form round yet!


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Fundraising idea...

As the walk is getting closer I decided to raise some money at work with a "Man Bingo" card! Basically, I spent many long hours perusing the internet for handsome famous men (it was such a chore!) and I put the pictures onto a card. People then pay £1 for each man they want to choose and the winner is selected at random and the person who chose the winning square wins a £10 voucher for Boots, with the remaining proceeds going to the charity. A bit sexist, you may say, BUT even the men have had a go! (At first they just wanted to give a pound without picking a man, but I made them enter into the spirit of it and choose one!!). It has gone down down a treat - I'm going to make a football team one and get my OH to take it round his workplace.
So far I've been given £20 donations from people, I also added £10 from money I saved from making homemade Christmas cards instead of buying them so £30 so far! I've got another couple of ideas up my sleeve too, so watch this space...
